Wednesday, 11 November 2015

General Update

I thought I would update you all with the progress I'm making on my list.  Things are moving, quite slowly, but I'm not getting despondent!  Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture to see progress, right?  Something fabulous happened this morning, and tomorrow, three more things are happening that will knock spots off today's event.

These are the items from my original list that I have started and either the progress I am making with them, or that I've completed, as of today, 11th November 2015.

1)  I want to have seen, or at least have purchased tickets ready to go and see, Lawson on tour.
Almost complete!  Tomorrow, not only will I have seen Lawson in concert, but I will have MET them too!  Mr G and I have VIP tickets for the event.  So on Friday, expect a blog post with loads of pictures!  Hopefully including one of me getting a kiss on the cheek from Adam Pitts. 
2)  I want to lose a predetermined amount of weight by my 40th.

I started and tailed off.  It's nearly Christmas.  Start again in January?

3)  Take a hot air balloon ride.

Looking over my list again the other day, I looked at the hot air balloon one.  I have to admit, it's something I never really looked into, price wise.  I knew it would be expensive, but I didn't quite know how expensive that would be.  So, I did a bit of research.  I made a mental note of the figure.  I knew that if it was meant to be, something would take care of it for me.  This is the wonderful thing that happened today.  Taking a break from my NaNoWriMo (more on that shortly) I decided to check my emails, and I noticed that I had a WEM (winning email for you non-compers).  I have only gone and won a £250 Leisure Voucher!  I looked at all the things I could spend this on, and right there, Virgin Experiences. Mr G has a fear of heights, so I am going solo, and that will leave about £100 to spend on another item from my list ;-)

8) I want to win something really wonderful.  Like a dishwasher.  Or hundreds of pounds of shopping vouchers.
See above!  This remains not complete though, because I want to win something else really wonderful ;-)

12) I'm going to take part in NaNoWriMo in November.
I'm doing really well with this one, the objective is to write a 50,000 word novel in a month.  I was a prepper as opposed to a pantser, and so I had the outline ready for the start of November.  I've laughed at my characters, I've felt their pain (because at some point in my life or other, it might have been my pain).  I've pulled my hair out with frustration when I realised that a certain part of the story didn't work, or I had a better idea for it, and then realised that that one little change meant that hundreds of other things in the story also had to be amended for it to make sense.  I've watched as a villain turned into a heroine, when that wasn't my original intention for her.  I've fallen in love with my characters, each and every one of them.  They're like my babies.  If anyone is under any illusion that it is simple to write a novel, I suggest you sign up for this next year.  That's just the writing part alone.  To actually get it published?  For it to be any good?  For people to buy it?  To be under contract and have to do it all again?  I take my hat off to anyone who does.  Eleven days in?  I've written just over 48,000 words, and I'll have it finished tonight.  I've then got nineteen days or so in which to add, amend and titivate it, before I paste it in and become a NaNoWriMo Winner!  Yay! 

14) I want to deactivate Facebook for at least a month.
It took a bit of faffing about and telling my friends I was off, and making sure they had other ways to connect with me, but I am now a week in, and I love it.  Facebook has gone, and with it went Messenger.  I wish I had done it sooner.

17) Eat from 40 different places I haven't eaten at before (or recently).  
Three out of forty so far, hopefully we can find somewhere nice in Manchester tomorrow before the concert to make it #4.

20) Learn a new language.   
I've started learning Italian, and I love it!  A lot of it is common sense, having learned French, and basic Spanish, there are a lot of similarities in the words.  Some words you can look at and guess.  I'm using a nifty little app called Duolingo, but I might see if there are any proper lessons or courses being offered locally.

24) Meet a celebrity.   
And hello, by the time I go to bed tomorrow, I will have met four! 

27) Buy nice glasses.
Ok, so I had to sell a kidney, but they are nice glasses.  Also had the added bonus of finding out I have Glaucoma thrown in free...

28) Complete a food challenge.  
This was pencilled in for next week, Mr G and I planned to visit our closest Sizzling Pub to us, in Prestatyn, to partake in one of their unfinishable meals.  While browsing the website for the vouchers I have won, I see that Sizzling Pubs is one of the restaurants that accept them as payment.  So, that's two items that I'll be able to complete off my list that hasn't cost me a penny!  The prizes can take up to 28 days to arrive, so the day it comes, we're off ;-)

30)  Connect and reconnect
Having had Shelly come and stay with me last month, before we go to the concert tomorrow, we are calling in to see her Dad Sam, who was a very good friend and father figure to me many years ago.  I haven't seen him for twenty years, and I am so looking forward to seeing him again.  Tomorrow is going to be a fantastic day for so many reasons, but I think this is the part that I am most looking forward to.

There you have it, my 40/40 update for you.  Although it is technically a 30/40 list at the moment...

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