Wow. I actually have no words. No, I lie, I have several words. What a day I had yesterday. It is up there with my Wedding Day and having my children and meeting Mr G. Yesterday, I met Lawson, I spoke to Lawson, and I watched them perform live. My favourite, Adam, spoke to me, and he touched me (not inappropriately, sadly) and I managed to slightly embarrass myself by fanmomming over him.
Having arrived way too early in Manchester, after a breakdown in communication with my friend Shelly who thought we were arriving to visit them at 4, not that we had to be at the gig for 4, we found a parking space, walked to Sound Control to get our bearings, had the worlds worst burger from a Street Food van (no foodie entry for yesterday, boooo!) and then ended up killing 3 hours or so in a pub, people watching. Which was fun.
Mr G |
The pub was literally across the road and under the arch from Sound Control so it was a 30 second walk. Things didn't quite run to the VIP itinerary we'd been emailed from Ticketmaster, and it was gone half four by the time we got in. We went upstairs, there was 100 of us (although the crowd that night was 500, sell out), and we were at the front of the stage. Lawson walked on and everyone was hushed, it was mad. They stood and talked to us, and joked and asked who had come the furthest apart from the fans from Dublin and Amsterdam. We said 'Anglesey' and Adam, my favourite, he said 'Anglesey? That's in Wales, isn't it? Isn't that where Prince William was based, you've got a big RAF base there haven't you?'. I swooned. He. Spoke. To. Me. They sang two songs for us, Stolen and Red Sky, and also 'Chimpanzee riding on a Segway' (don't ask, you had to be there).
Here are some pics we took of them during the course of the day.
Adam |
Andy |
Joel, Adam and Andy |
My boys... sigh... |
Mine... |
Andy and Ryan |
Ryan |
Andy, Ryan, Mr G, Joel, me and my Adam |
When we had our photographs taken, the guy said 'I've never used an iPad to take a picture before.' I was stood with Adam and Joel's arms around me going 'Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God..." The lads were telling him to turn it the right way round, and that he had his finger over the lens. When we checked after that the photo was good, Adam had a look and he said 'Yeah that's fine.'. I said 'Yes it is.' and closed Photos down. As I did that... my desktop paper came on... His head. I said 'You didn't see that, did you?'. 'I didn't see that.' he said, smiling at me. Cringe! #almostoldenoughtobehismom
They came on just before 9, after two support acts, one called Frontiers and the other a guy called Pete Gardiner. He was good but not my cup of tea. However Frontiers are definitely one to watch for the future. Very Lawson-esque.
I know I might be biased, that they're my favourite group, but Lawson really are fab live. The whole place was bouncing. They could have just played the music and not had to sing a word, because everyone sang along all night. They are lovely guys, down to earth, interact with their fans, so, so funny and what I love the most about them? They are a proper
pop band. Not a group, but a band. And they can sing, and they can play too. The four lads, guitars, drums, and their voices. Joel is a fantastic guitarist, and Adam gives his all when he's on the drums, it's like he's in his own little world. They sang so many songs, new and old, including a cracking cover version of Jess Glynne's 'Hold my Hand'. Highlights for me were 'Make it Happen' which is my favourite non-hit of theirs from Chapman Square, and Brokenhearted. La la la, la la la, la la la... Being such a small, intimate venue was wonderful too. They could easily sell out bigger places, but what you gain in seeing a concert in an arena (a seat for one, my legs and feet didn't belong to me!) you definitely lose out in atmosphere. I know that when their new music is released next year that the likelihood of these types of gigs happening will be less and less, and so I am so happy that I have seen them this way, before I have to sit with thousands of other people, miles away from the stage. I'm still looking forward to that sort of concert too though ;-)
I know I've undertaken a few things from my list so far, but this was in another league completely. This is the sort of stuff that makes you feel alive, I felt like a teenager again. So, I needs me some more of stuff like this, definitely.
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