Sunday 3 January 2016

#18 - Stop Drinking Wine - Update

Well, well, well.  The 4th of November 2015 was a bit of a double whammy for me.  Not only the day I quit Facebook, but also the last time I had a drink of wine.  Actually, the last time that alcohol passed my lips?  Do I feel better for it from an allergy perspective?  Hard to tell, because I have a stinking cold so I'm still bloody sneezy and snotty.  I think my skin has cleared up though, it's not as blotchy and rashy as usual.  And waking up in the morning and not wasting a whole day feeling dog rough?  Priceless.

I am going to have a few drinks at Christmas, I just don't know at the moment if it's worth touching wine?  We shall see.  But nearly five weeks wine free, that's good by my standards :-)

Update - I had two bottles of wine on New Year's Eve *cough - amongst other things - cough*

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