Sunday 3 January 2016

#14 - Deactivate Facebook for at least a month - Update

Deactivated at noon, 4th November 2015.  Whether I can last a month remains to be seen. Ideally, it will be a permanent thing.  Still, it's a start.

Update - Monday 7th December, and I am still off it, and I am loving it!   I feel free from it at last, and I don't feel like I am missing out on anything.  I like not being privy to the racism and homophobia and vague statuses to make people fish for information or to glean sympathy - you know, general fuckwittery that makes me go all 'grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!'   Long may it last.

Update - I went back on for 24 hours just before Christmas, as I have a lot of friends there who I am not in touch with any other way.  I said 'Merry Christmas', that I'd been off it for 7 weeks, and I was back for 24 hours only.  Hopefully that sorts out all the people who take offence and think I've deleted them or blocked them.  Nice to have the option to do that occasionally, but I am still glad to be off it, and am not tempted to go back.

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